As the title suggests the following readings address the intersection of politics into tobacco research. In particular, these readings, which are just a small sample, illustrate the extent to which what one would expect would be the proper intersection of health and science has been badly compromised by political interests.
Silencing science: partisanship and the career of a publication
disputing the dangers of second hand smoke.
Ungar S & Bray D.
Public Understanding of Science, Vol. 14, No. 1, 5-23 (2005)
Defending legitimate epidemiologic research: combatting Lysenko pseudoscience.
Enstrom J.
Epidemiologic Perspectives and Innovations, 10 October (2007)
Whither the campus radical?
Libin K.
National Post September 27. 2007
Honestly, who else would fund such research,
reflections of a non-smoking scholar.
Marlow M.
Econ Journal Watch 5(2): 240-268 (May 2008)